Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Time to Build Your Resume

As we quickly approach the end of the school year, it's time to dust off our old résumé and make it shine.  Whether you're a graduating senior or just getting ready for a better summer job, a quick way to impress future employers and get a jump on your competition is to impress your recruiter or HR manager with an attention-grabbing résumé.
According to there are 10 résumé tips you must have:
1.       Use titles or headings that match the jobs you want.  In other words, be specific and avoid generalities.
2.       Use design that grabs attention.  Make it easy to notice the most important information quickly.
3.       Create content that sells.  Instead of saying “managed all lifeguards”, it’s better to say “Managed the entire life guard staff of 22 full-time and 3 part-time.” 
4.       Quantify and use power words.  Use words like “directed” or “supervised”.
5.       Analyze ads and job descriptions to identify key words.  Then use those key words when customizing your résumé for each job application.
6.       Identify and solve employer’s hidden needs.  Address issues that they will need to be solved in advance.
7.       Sell the benefits of your skills.  Use phrases like “achieved highest GPA possible”.
8.       Create an image that matches the salary you want.  Don’t ask for the lowest level position; ask for the position that would benefit the most from your skill set.
9.       Prioritize the content of your résumé.  Put your best assets first when writing about your qualifications.
10.   Tweak and target your résumés and cover letters.  Customize your résumés for each job you are applying. 
For more information, visit their Web site.  Remember, a good résumé takes lots of effort and should continually be tweaked and refined.

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